When all the materials that will be part of the manufacturing are ready, the first process we do is welding.
In this process we shape the equipment following the drawings designed by the technical department. In the welding stage we do not only refer to the welding itself, but in this phase all the pieces that are part of the equipment are also cut, prepared and joined. A part as important as the welding itself is the prior preparation of the pieces to be joined. Good preparation will facilitate subsequent work and allow agility and quality during the manufacturing process.
Welding processes
The processes we mainly use for the manufacturing of our equipment are the GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) welding process or commonly known as TIG, and the GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding). These two processes are alternated during manufacturing depending on the type of equipment and joint (butt weld, filled weld, etc.) that is currently manufacturing.
These processes are used for manufacturing in carbon steel, stainless steel or other alloys. For stainless steel and alloy manufacturing, when using the TIG method, all our welding is done with purge, in order to obtain the highest quality in our welding process and equipment manufacturing.
It is very important that welding work is supported by a welding procedure suitable for each type of material and welding performed. This fact allows us to guarantee a work methodology that will later be reflected in the quality of the product.
That is why our welding processes and our welding personnel are approved for the manufacture of all our equipment according to ASME IX and EN standards. We have homologations for carbon steel, stainless steel, superduplex stainless steel, special alloys, etc. and we have the capacity to develop new welding approvals if necessary.
Quality control
From our welding stage, the equipment comes out completely finished, including its internal elements. And it is at this point where they undergo the first complete quality control: we review their visual appearance, dimensions according to drawings, nozzle orientations, etc. and they get ready for their next stage: Inspections and tests.